Welcome to an Interactive Ichthus (Fish) Aquarium
Javascripted Cascading Style Sheets (Best to clear cache & refresh/reload this page.)
For instructions, mouse over the "About the Aquarium" button.

(Part of
MI © 2012)
BACKGROUND: I had a Colisa Lalia before. When it died, I tried replacements a few times but none could fit in the place of the first one.
So in 2002, I immortalize it and its main behaviors that I remembered, by starting off this VIRTUAL interactive aquarium.

The skills that were entailed to complete this web creation exercise are:
  • Object-Oriented Design & Programming (e.g. object = fish; methods = behaviors)
  • Planning & programming logic; Problem analysis & solving; Debugging
  • Javascript, CSS, D/HTML
  • "geometry" (positioning within aquarium)
  • graphics design & creativity
Archengineer Marida Ignacio Copyright © 2002,2012,2020 (recent update: June 7, 2020; upload to Archengineer domain)
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aqua status
wall oxygen
oxygen bubble burst
opening shell
closing shell
closed shell
top stri line
plecostomus left
plecostomus right
plecostomus wiggle
plecostomus crunch
bubble switch control stay on longer or shorter
colisa lalia, dwarf gourami, leftward
colisa lalia, dwarf gourami, rightward
colisa lalia, dwarf gourami, eating
Fish face front
colisa lalia, dwarf gourami, rightward
sea plant
sea plant
About the Fish
Feed the Fish
Colisa Lalia
a.k.a Dwarf Gourami
Size: 2 in. (5 cm.)
Color: Bright red-orange; Male has slanting blue-green to emerald luminous stripes; Head and shoulder in brilliant blue-green. Female has paler color.
Behavior: Territorial, but extremely peaceful and harmless; Very amicable and a very fast and good jumper.

Hypostomus plecostomus
a.k.a Janitor Fish

Small, common plecos feed on algae in aquarium.
1. The fish swims about the aquarium from left to right and vice versa. It will rest after a certain time interval and start over.
2. Positioning the MOUSE OVER the fish makes the fish face front, dance and give you kisses.
3. CLICKING on the aquarium while it is swimming or at a stop scares the fish and makes it hide behind a coral bush.
4. CLICKING the Feed the Fish button on the top right corner while the fish is swimming or at a stop makes it go up and eat.
5. MORE BBLS mouse DRAG up or down slideswitch on the left sets the shell bubble bursts among 3 settings: LOW, MID, or HIGH.
When the feed button is clicked while fish is swimming to the left or right, it goes up this corner to eat.