Update 'TIS THAT SEASON page, new format & artwork
Update Electronic Bench page, data conversion tools
Put up Projects (art & craft) page and Videos page
Created and put up different URL fave icons each for main, season, e-bench, aquarium pages
June 7, 2020
Update main page for great search engine hits on title Archengineer Webpage
Update background image, alignments, changed "Technical" to "Electronic Bench" button
Put up Electronic Bench page and Interactive Aquarium page
May 23, 2020
Updated AE home page with Javascript date, time, button link description boxes
Update website 'TIS THAT SEASON - Mysteries to have paragraph section links
May 17, 2020
Started continuation at own domain ArchEngineer.net
Put up link and website for 'TIS THAT SEASON - Mysteries
Previous history at old domain server
June 18, 2017
Updated "TIS THAT SEASON" webpage to "Liturgical Year Mysteries"
April 15, 2017
Updated "TIS THAT SEASON" webpage to "Easter 50 Days Season"
March 27, 2016
Updated "TIS THAT SEASON" webpage to "Easter 50 Days Season"
February 14, 2016
Updated "TIS THAT SEASON" webpage to "Season of LOVE - Lent"
December 26, 2015
Updated "TIS THAT SEASON" webpage to "12 Days of Christmas"
February 19, 2015
Updated "TIS THAT SEASON" webpage to "Love is in the air..."
July 1, 2013
Updated Morphogenesis, "CELL TUNING..." webpage with new topic: "God's Omnipresence..."
May 27, 2013
Updated "TIS THAT SEASON" webpage with Mysteries of Faith
February 17, 2013
Added new webpage to pray for RC Church, Pope Benedict XVI, the conclave election of new pope
December 24, 2012
Updated "TIS THAT SEASON" webpage with the The Christmas Season
May 27, 2012
Updated "TIS THAT SEASON" webpage with the "Solemnities, Mysteries, Feasts"
April 8, 2012
Updated "TIS THAT SEASON" webpage with the "Eastertide - 50 DAYS OF Easter"
February 12, 2012
Updated "TIS THAT SEASON" webpage with the "Love is in the air - 40 DAYS OF LENT"
December 26, 2011
Updated "TIS THAT SEASON" webpage with the Christmas Season - Nativity of our Lord
November 25, 2011
Updated "TIS THAT SEASON" webpage with the ADVENT Season - Church's New Year
June 5, 2011
Updated "TIS THAT SEASON" webpage with "MYSTERIES" page - Feasts & Solemnitiese
April 23, 2011
Updated "TIS THAT SEASON" webpage with the "EASTER" season.
February 2, 2011
Updated "TIS THAT SEASON" webpage with the "LOVE & LENT" season.
November 28, 2010
Updated "TIS THAT SEASON" webpage with the "ADVENT" season.
May 30, 2010
Updated "TIS THAT SEASON" webpage with the "FEAST/MYSTERIES" season.
April 11, 2010
Updated "TIS THAT SEASON" webpage with the EASTER season.
February 15, 2010
Updated "TIS THAT SEASON" webpage with the LENT season.
December 29, 2009
Updated "TIS THAT SEASON" webpage with the CHRISTMAS season.
November 29, 2009
Updated "TIS THAT SEASON" webpage with the ADVENT season.
October 25, 2009
June 14, 1997...December 31, 1998
There are 12 days of Christmas, updated on "'TIS THAT
SEASON" page.
February 13, 1999
Lenten season put up on "'TIS THAT SEASON" page.
March 28, 1999
Added "Palm Sunday/Passion Monday" up on "'TIS THAT SEASON" page.
April 3, 1999
Updated "'TIS THAT SEASON" page with EASTER season
and links to written articles.
May 23, 1999
Updated "'TIS THAT SEASON" page with Pentecost Sunday
Celebration of the Coming of the Holy Spirit upon the Church.
August 7, 1999
Updated "'TIS THAT SEASON" page with Feast of the
Assumption of Mary both Body and Soul to Heaven.
September 6, 1999
Updated "'TIS THAT SEASON" page with "Happy Birthday
to Mama Mary" writeup.
October 13, 1999
Updated "'TIS THAT SEASON" page with "October Feasts"
celebrations writeup.
November 28, 1999
Updated "'TIS THAT SEASON" page with "Advent"
season of prepration and waiting.
December 5, 1999
Updated "'TIS THAT SEASON" page with "Immaculate Conception"
article right before Advent season of prepration and waiting
January 30, 2000
Updated "'TIS THAT SEASON" page with "40 Days of Lent",
St. Valentine's, Way of the Cross, etc.
April 23, 2000
Updated "'TIS THAT SEASON" page with "40 Days of Easter",
Added additional articles to "Apologetics" page
June 7, 2000
Updated "'TIS THAT SEASON" page with "PENTECOST/Happy Birthday
to all of us" and "ASCENSION" Feastdays!
August 14, 2000
Updated "'TIS THAT SEASON" page with "Feast Day of
Assumption of Mary both Body and Soul to Heaven"
October 1, 2000
Updated "'TIS THAT SEASON" page with "October Feasts"
December 21, 2000
Updated "'TIS THAT SEASON" page with "Christ Mass Season"
January 1, 2001
Updated links on lframe.html, chain.html pages and scrolling message on message3.html page
February 18, 2001
Updated "'TIS THAT SEASON" page with "Lenten Season"
April 15, 2001
Updated "'TIS THAT SEASON" page with "EASTERTIDE season"
June 3, 2001
Updated "'TIS THAT SEASON" page with Feast of the
July 5, 2001
Added new link to "Our Lady of New Millenium".
July 15, 2001
Fixed "Our Lady of New Millenium" webpage's photos layout.
September 2, 2001
Add NEW webpage link to "Articles on The Truth" that will contain
articles on "Organic vs. Inorganic", "Seeing Things For What
They Are", and other topics.
Updated Apologetics webpage and main webpage to have link to
this new webpage.
September 16 and 23, 2001
Setup NEW webpage, "Return to God", to commemorate
September 11, 2001 terrorist attack on America.
September 30, 2001
Update 'TIS THAT SEASON webpage for "October Feasts".
October 7, 2001
Further update text on 'TIS THAT SEASON webpage for
"October Feasts".
Dec 2, 2001
Update 'TIS THAT SEASON for Advent and Christmas Seasons
February 10, 2002
Update 'TIS THAT SEASON for Lenten Season
April 7, 2002
May 12, 2002
Update 'TIS THAT SEASON for Feast of the Ascension of Christ
May 19, 2002
Update 'TIS THAT SEASON for Pentecost Feastday
August 14, 2002
Put up new "Value of Human Life" billboard sign.
August 25, 2002
Update "Value of Human Life" billboard sign webpage.
December 7, 2002
Update "TIS THAT SEASON" webpage for Advent season.
December 29, 2002
Update "TIS THAT SEASON" webpage for Christ Mass season.
March 9, 2003
Update "TIS THAT SEASON" webpage for Lenten Season.
April 21,2003
Update "TIS THAT SEASON" webpage for Easter Season.
June 8,2003
Update "TIS THAT SEASON" webpage to contain a letter-article, "Tuning Fork Stem Cell"
which is on morphogenesis, morphogenetic field, morphic resonance.
June 15, 2003
Added new webpage, "TUNING FORK - STEM CELL", that contains letter to
Dr. Rupert Sheldrake.
Added images to letter which is also on 'TIS THAT SEASON webpage.
Added new webpage, "PRO-LIFE POSTAGE STAMP PROPOSAL" that contains
the letter to Citizen's Stamp Advisory Committee.
June 29, 2003
Added P.S. intermediate stages article to both 'TIS THAT SEASON and
TUNING webpages
October 12, 2003
Updated "TIS THAT SEASON" webpage with OCTOBER FEAST season
new articles
Added recent letter to Dr. Sheldrake, re: Abortion causes bad, bad, bad
morphogenetic field on Morphogenesis/Tuning webpage.
November 30, 2003
Updated "TIS THAT SEASON" webpage with Advent Season
February 22, 2004
Updated "TIS THAT SEASON" webpage with Lent Season
April 11, 2004
Updated "TIS THAT SEASON" webpage with Eastertide Season
May 31, 2004
Updated "TIS THAT SEASON" webpage with Pentecost, Birthday of our Church
October 10, 2004
Updated "TIS THAT SEASON" webpage with October Feast
February 6, 2005
Updated "TIS THAT SEASON" webpage with Lenten Season
April, 2005
Added In Memoriam to Pope John Paul II website.
November 15, 2005
Updated "TIS THAT SEASON" webpage with Advent and Christmas Seasons
February 26, 2006
Updated "TIS THAT SEASON" webpage with Lenten Season
April 16, 2006
Updated "TIS THAT SEASON" webpage with EASTER Season
October 22, 2006
Updated "TIS THAT SEASON" webpage with Fall Season, Advent and Christmas.
February 18, 2007
Updated "TIS THAT SEASON" webpage with Lent Season.
April 8, 2007
Updated "TIS THAT SEASON" webpage with EASTER Season.
July 22, 2007
Updated "TIS THAT SEASON" webpage with FEASTS and SOLEMNITIES.
February 6, 2008
Updated "TIS THAT SEASON" webpage with the SEASON OF LENT.
March 23, 2008
Updated "TIS THAT SEASON" webpage with the EASTER SEASON.
May 12, 2008
Updated "TIS THAT SEASON" webpage with the Pentecost, Ascension.
August 17, 2008
Updated "TIS THAT SEASON" webpage with the Feasts and Solemnities
November 30, 2008
Updated "TIS THAT SEASON" webpage with the NEW Advent Season
December 30, 2008
Updated "TIS THAT SEASON" webpage with the Christ Mass Season
January 25, 2009
Updated "TIS THAT SEASON" webpage with St. Valentine's Story
March 1, 2009
Updated "TIS THAT SEASON" webpage with the season of LENT.
April 12, 2009
Updated "TIS THAT SEASON" webpage with the season of EASTER.
June 17, 2009
Updated "TIS THAT SEASON" webpage with Feasts, Mysteries and Solemnities.